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Popis obchodu:
ASEA is a direct selling companies and manufacturers, network marketing used to sell a drinkable form of redox signaling molecules. ASEA was founded in 2009 by James Norton and Verdi-pack and is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. ASEA product line is limited to a single drinkable form of redox signaling molecules. ASEA is positioned to become the first U. S. $ 1 billion in direct sales company with a single product to be VERY IMPORTANT! For countries that are not yet opened, not Provides direct ASEA! Please contact me and I will show him how to proceed. ASEA Delivers Direct to: ITALY, GERMANY, SLOVENIA, IRELAND, ENGLAND, SPAIN, HOLLAND AND FRANCE. Please very important if your country is not covered more then forwarding to cost. We deliver with DHL. EU ZONE 1 - € 17 (Austria, Poland, Hungary, etc. ) Rita Horvath
Sortiment obchodu:
Dátum pridania / aktualizácie:25.09.2012
Užívateľ - registrovaný od:23.04.2009
Zaradené v kategórii:Zdravie, výživa, chudnutieZdravie - všeobecné
Štatistika:2196 zobrazení / 727 návštev