Are you looking to develop a taxi app for your ride hailing business? Introducing our comprehensive taxi app development - the perfect solution developers to kickstart your on-demand taxi service with SpotnRides. Key Features: Voice Recognition and Chat Bot Manage Driver & Customer Seamless passenger booking and ride scheduling Real-time GPS tracking and driver management Flexible driver onboarding and payment processing intuitive rider app with a smooth booking experience Detailed analytics and reporting for business insights With our technology and user-friendly interface, you can easily set up and manage your own taxi booking platform. Simplify your operations, improve customer satisfaction, and scale your transportation business to new heights.
Cena: 999 €
Dátum pridania:15.02.2025 10:00:16
Inzerát platí do:15.02.2026(Zostáva dní: 359)
Telefón / mobil:7094...?
Web (URL adresa):http:// ?
Kontaktná osoba / firma:Spotnrides
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