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Obchodné meno:ASEA

Popis firmy:
Salt Lake City, Utah - ASEA, LLC announces the release of groundbreaking discoveries in the Experimental Biology 2012 conference in San Diego, a new study from the Human Performance Laboratory at shows increased performance and endurance athletes. The study under the supervision of Dr. David C. Nieman, DrPH, FACSM at the Human Performance Laboratory, Appalachian State University, found that after drinking ASEA athletes massive free fatty acid mobilization seen in the blood, before they engage in one plane, normally found only after heavy exercise.

These are very important findings, said Nieman. Our experiments showed that ASEA caused mobilization of free fatty acids before training, so this source of fuel available at the beginning of the exercise or competitive services. This has major implications, particularly with regard to the glycogen-sparing trying every athlete, something be reached.

Glycogen is the economical use of non-carbohydrates as an energy source during exercise, so that the depletion of muscle glycogen is delayed. When glycogen is spared the body burns fat for energy, a greater contribution to the efforts of an athlete in the early stages of the race. This leaves more glycogen for later stages of the race or training, and delay muscle fatigue. The study found that after drinking ASEA for a week, athletes experienced a shift in 43 metabolites.

Činnosti firmy:
SEA is a direct selling companies and manufacturers, network marketing used to sell a drinkable form of redox signaling molecules. ASEA was founded in 2009 by James Norton and Verdi-pack and is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. ASEA product line is limited to a single drinkable form of redox signaling molecules. ASEA is positioned to become the first U. S. $ 1 billion in direct sales company with a single product to be

Sídlo firmy - ASEAUlica:Kaisergasse 45
Otváracie hodiny9:00 22:00

Kontaktná osoba:rita horvath  -Manager

Email:? @hotmail.com

Webstránka:http:// ?

Forma podnikania:družstvo


Počet zamestnancov:500

Rok vzniku:2009

Dátum pridania / aktualizácie:25.09.2012

Užívateľ - registrovaný od:23.04.2009

Zaradené pod názvom:Asea

Zaradené v kategórii:Energetika, prírodné zdrojeObchod, predaj


Štatistika:6140 zobrazení / 1009 návštev

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Firmy SK