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Artificial Christmas trees of ukrainian production.

Firmy SKKultúra, pamiatkyUmenieFirma - Jałynka Ukrainy

Obchodné meno:Jałynka Ukrainy

Popis firmy:
Privet Company “Yalynka Ukrainy” was founded in July, 16, 2008.

The main art of activity is the production of outdoor Christmas trees from the artificial pine with height from 3 till 120m.

The company is the first and only one in Ukraine, that use for the artificial Xmas trees making the latest world technologies, and this is in connect with highly technological equipment and perfect mastery of our workers gives the possibilities to make the quality products, which satisfied every client. Artificial Xmas trees of our production, especially fir-trees with barrel construction are almost like the natural fir-tree, but they look better and brightly.

PO “Yalynka Ukrainy” is very young company, but during this period, we confirmed with confidence on the Ukrainian markets. Our first artificial Christmas tree (size 15m with barrel construction) was assembled in Dniprepetrovsk city on the Lenin area main square in October 2008. Nowadays almost 35 cities and small towns of Ukraine are celebrating the New Year holidays with our Christmas trees on their main squares. In general, during 2 years of our work we made almost 250 artificial Xmas trees with various heights for the Buildings of Culture, schools, bank buildings, trade-distraction centers, enterprises and organizations of Ukraine.

Our artificial pine Christmas trees are engineered so that they don’t fall even with high gust, don’t burn and don’t get frozen at low temperatures.

In our manufacturing we use materials and equipment only of our country, what allows to minimize costs and to produce high quality products at an acceptable price range. When necessary, our artificial pine Christmas trees can be equipped with toys, treetoppers, illumination and anti-vandal fence.

Additionally, we offer services in Christmas tree decoration, Christmas tree installation and their deinstallation. If you are from another city of Ukraine and have your own workers and specialized technical equipment, specialists of our company can go to the installation place to control Christmas tree installation process from technical point of view.

All our clients are satisfied with their choice and this is for us the most important!

Činnosti firmy:
- sale of artificial Christmas trees
- production of artificial Christmas trees

Sídlo firmy - Jałynka UkrainyUlica:ul- Brjuknera, 2 8
Mesto:Tarnopol, Ukraina
Ulica:ul- Brjuknera, 2 8
Mesto:Tarnopol, Ukraina
Otváracie hodinyFrom monday till friday 9.00 a. m. to 18 p. m.

Kontaktná osoba:Jałynka Ukrainy

Email:? @yandex.ru


Webstránka:http:// ?

Forma podnikania:iná

IČ DPH:355785319125


Počet zamestnancov:25

Rok vzniku:2008

Dátum pridania / aktualizácie:25.05.2011

Užívateľ - registrovaný od:25.05.2011

Zaradené pod názvom:Artificial Christmas trees of ukrainian production.

Zaradené v kategórii:Kultúra, pamiatkyUmenie

Kraj:Iný / mimo SR

Štatistika:6352 zobrazení / 898 návštev

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